After seven years of working at Babson and after being twice nominated for teacher of the year, I was told to sever my relationship as a result of, what appeared to me, to be frivilous complaints, for example, the color of the Babson background on my "Current Projects" page being too close to "Babson green." Whatever. In any event, I have enjoyed my tenure at Babson, having met thousands of energetic and enthusiastic budding entrepreneurs and I am on to the next chapter of my life.
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We have opened a new hatchery for startups in Newton MA called the International Entrepreneurship Center or IEC. The website is . Come visit.
Our new small business hatchery has been named the International Entrepreneurship Center (IEC) and is finally coming to fruition. You can visit the site at IECPARTNERS.COM to learn more about what we are doing. Basically, I and several partners including Duane Mayo, Warren Green, Enio Pinto and Jay Cromarty are in the process of creating a hatchery, or incubator as some refer to it, where small companies can get started. There are many similar business out there. Ours intends to be different in that it focuses on providing mentoring and tactical assistance closing the first deals and developing the strategies for growth. Like other hatcheries we offer space, connections to services at a discount, and basic infrastructure that is shared including wifi, conference areas, kitchen, etc.